Steel production - a technological process dominating in a modern steel mill

The first stage is smelting the steel in an EAF (Electric Arc Furnace). It is an electric furnace in which the charge (mainly contaminated steel scrap) is heated by an electric arc arising between the charged material and the electrodes. The arc reaches a temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius, which allows the charge to heat up to a temperature of about 1500 ° C and melt it without losing its electrochemical properties. Approx. a quarter of global steel production uses arc furnaces. This means a huge consumption of graphite electrodes, which significantly reduce the amount of energy needed to produce steel.


margo - Steel production - a technological process dominating in a modern steel mill
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The next stage is cleaning and introducing alloying additives to the steel in the furnace-ladle. It is a series of processes that allow steel refining, cleaning of non-metallic inclusions, supplementing the chemical composition, desulphurizing and deoxidizing steel, improving its quality, regulating temperature, etc.


The last step is continuous steel casting (COS). It is a metallurgical method that allows the steel casting process to be carried out in a continuous manner. This is a very economical charge production process for a tube mill. In the production process, the liquid metal (steel with a temperature of approx. 1550 ° C) is poured under control from the vat into the crystallizer, where it solidifies into the shape of the mold and is gradually ejected from it. The steel casting that leaves the machine has a temperature of approx. 1000 ° C and is a long block which, after being cut to the desired length, is sent for further processing in the rolling mill.

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